Imapsync Online GUI Tool For Free Email Migration

This free online tool for email synchronization and migration between different IMAP servers is based on imapsync v2.200. It's free to use with no limitations.

IMAP Source Mailbox
(usually an email address)
(or its IP address)

Test Run Options

IMAP Destination Mailbox
(usually an email address)
(or its IP address)

Do not close this window or tab while IMAP is runnning and your emails are being synchromized. Doing so is the same as hitting the "Abort" button. You might also want to make sure your computer doesn't go to sleep as this might abort the process.

ETA: Estimation Time of Arrival
Progress bar
Progress bar

Imapsync Launch Console


Imapsync Abort Console


Imapsync Run Log

Local bandwidth statistics
Local bandwidth statistics

About Our Email Migration Tool

This email migration tool is designed to help you move your emails from one server to another without duplicates. It is based on Imapsync migration tool by Gilles Lamiral. With this free tool, you can move huge mailboxes, and there is no size limit.

If you recently changed your email provider and need to move your emails from the old server to the new one, it's as easy as keying in your IMAP login details to the fields above to start the migration process.

Intuitive GUI

Our email migration tool is easy to use as it comes with an intuitive graphical user interface. Fields are properly labeled to be self-explanatory.

Safe and Secure

By default, data transfers are done with SSL unless it's not supported by your server. Also, we do not keep a log of your IMAP login details or emails.

Free to use

This email migration tool is free to use. There is no hidden fee.

No Limits

Regardless of the size of your email, there is no limit to this tool.

Any IMAP Server

Yahoo Mail, Google Workspace, Office 365, and all email servers with IMAP support are supported.

No Duplicates

Duplicate emails can be pretty annoying. This tool ensures transfers are done with zero duplicates.

Supported email providers

This email migration tool should work with any email provider as long as they support IMAP protocol. It has been tested with Google Workspace, Microsoft Exchange, cPanel, Zoho, AOL, Proton Mail, Yahoo Mail, and more.

If this tool doesn't seem to work with your email provider, you may have enabled two-factor authentication or disabled IMAP in your email settings.

What is IMAP?

Have you ever set up an email account on a smartphone or a desktop email client? If you have, then you must have seen the prompt asking you to choose between IMAP and POP protocols. To a non-expert, this question might be perplexing, but your choice will significantly affect how you send, receive, and generally use the email account on that device.

The majority of users now choose IMAP, or Internet Message Access Protocol, over POP, or Post Office Protocol, which was once the most widely used type of email protocol.

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), as the name suggests, enables you to access your email from anywhere or on any device over the Internet. Email messages are essentially kept on hosting servers, and your email client makes a connection to the server each time you check your inbox to link you to your messages. When utilizing IMAP, reading an email message means reading it from the server rather than downloading or saving it on your machine. With this protocol, you won't miss an email when checking your email from various devices as actions are synchronized with the server. Essentially, interacting with the IMAP client means interacting with the email server.

Things to put in place before using this tool

Before using this IMAP email migration tool, there are a few things that need to be in place:

1. Enable IMAP from your email settings

Some email providers do not let you use the IMAP protocol by default. Check the settings first to be sure IMAP is enabled.

2. Disable 2FA

With two-factor authentication enabled, you will be unable to log in to your email account through IMAP protocol using this tool. This feature needs to be disabled.

3. Or generate an application password

if you're not comfortable with disabling 2FA, generating an application password from the settings is an alternative if your email provider supports it.

4. Enable less secure apps

If you are using a Google account or an email account that disables unofficial apps by default, you need to check your account settings and enable less secure apps for this to work.

If you are moving from or to Google Workspace...

If you're moving emails from or to Google Workspace, we have a concise article on this. It explains in detail how to get everything working. Read here.


  • Are my email data and passwords stored on your server?

    No, we do not keep your emails, and neither do we save your passwords. This tool only helps you move email data from one IMAP server to another; we do not keep transported data on our server.

    Your browser stores the passwords and other IMAP login credentials. The idea is that all the fields will already be there the next time you perform a sync from your browser, saving you the trouble of having to re-enter them.

    If you prefer not to have the browser remember your actual IMAP login details, enter the wrong credentials and hit the "Sync or resync" button. This automatically saves whatever you provide in those fields.

  • Is this tool secure?

    First, this page runs on HTTPS, and this means no one on the network will be able to eavesdrop and intercept your data.

    By default, this tool attempts to establish IMAP connections on SSL port 993, then on TLS port 143. If both fail, this means your IMAP server does not support secure connection and the tool uses no encryption. So, as long as your IMAP server supports it, your data is secure and encrypted.

  • Can I close the browser tab while emails are being synchronized?

    Closing the browser tab or window will automatically end the migration process. Also, it is advised that you should prevent your computer from going to sleep as this may end the process.

  • Is there a size limit for IMAP transfers?

    At this time, there is no mailbox size limit.

  • The log says I'm having authentication issues, but my login credentials are correct.

    Please check the Things to put in place before using this tool section to learn how to fix this. You may need to disable 2FA, enable IMAP from email provider settings, generate an application password, or enable less secure apps access.

  • Do you offer support for this tool?

    At this time, we do not offer any form of support for this tool. However, if you find a bug, feel free to shoot us a message through our contact page.